“No margin for economic deterioration without risking social decomposition”, trade unionists will warn
Social movements
Kicillof: “We cannot live in a democracy where a ruling with four signatures is worth the same as those of millions of Argentines.”
The modifications exempt certain types of pay from the tax and were welcomed by the CGT workers’ central office
“Of course there is going to be a protest with 50% of Argentine children living in poverty”
Mendoza votes Mapuches aren’t “Indigenous people of Argentina”
The resolution sparked accusations of denialism and racial hatred
Human rights leaders called for an end to hate speech and denialism
Travesti and trans activists say Tehuel de la Torre’s disappearance highlights state failings and brutal social discrimination
Camping in 9 de Julio, marches, and roadblocks will extend throughout the week
”We do not want a symbolic recognition, we want economic recognition, we want a salary”