Questions arise over Mondino’s future after G7 trip snub

Control of a state international trade promotion body was also transferred to Karina Milei’s office

Foreign Minister Diana Mondino might be the next to leave the government. After former Chief of Staff Nicolás Posse was pushed to resign two weeks ago, President Javier Milei now seems to be giving Mondino the cold shoulder.

Milei will fly to Italy on Wednesday night for the Group of Seven (G7) meeting, on Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni’s invitation. He will travel with his sister, Presidency Secretary Karina Milei; Ambassador to the United States Gerardo Werthein; and economic advisor Demian Reidel.

A source confirmed to the Herald that Mondino will not be part of the delegation, despite an initial announcement that she would attend, because the number of guests allowed at the event is limited.

“Only three people can go with the president,” the source said, explaining that it was a “priority” that Reidel join the delegation, and not Mondino, because “he and Werthein organized the Los Angeles summit in which the president met with [tech] developers,” and one of the main topics to be discussed at the G7 is artificial intelligence.

In addition to this, responsibility for an international trade entity was transferred from the Foreign Ministry to Karina Milei on Monday. The Argentine Foundation for the Promotion of Investment and International Trade will now be under the general presidency secretariat she leads.

The entity’s role is to promote export and investments in Argentine businesses. “The transfer  was done because we believe [the foundation] will be more efficient if it’s under the presidency, because that’s the area in which the national brand, and how to sell Argentina to the world, [is decided],” said Presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni in a press conference on Monday.

Rumors about Milei allegedly intending to fire Mondino have been circulating for the past week. Last Friday, Mondino and the presidency office had organized a meeting with Arabic diplomats at the Islamic Cultural Center in Palermo. According to press reports, Milei was on his way to the meeting but decided to return to the Casa Rosada at the last minute after finding out the Palestinian Ambassador to Argentina was there.

Milei has consistently backed Israel since the conflict in Gaza broke out. He has posed with the Israeli flag and said he is completely aligned with Israel ever since the presidential campaign. His first bilateral trip as president was to Israel.

Milei will be back in Argentina by Monday to celebrate two national holidays on June 17 and 20. However, he will return to Europe days after that to visit Spain on June 21 and Germany on the 22 to receive honors from libertarian organizations.

Most of Milei’s presidential trips to date have been related to libertarian and far-right events. Given he will return to Argentina after attending the G7, he canceled a bilateral meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron that was originally scheduled for June 19. It would have been his first meeting with a European president since he took office.


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