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Every Friday, we will break down the previous week’s most important political developments

“No trates de entenderla” — “don’t try to understand it.” Inquirers interested in making sense of Argentina’s political, economic, and social idiosyncrasies are all too familiar with the curiosity-killing dictum. 

The Herald rejects that maxim and offers a different one instead: “Tratá de entenderla, te ayudaremos”, “try to understand it, we’ll help you.” 

And with general elections on the near horizon, there is much to try to understand. To that end, the Herald is excited to announce its Electoral Insights newsletter. 

Hosted by political-risk-analyst-turned-journalist Max Klaver, the Herald’s Electoral Insights will break down the previous week’s most important social, political, and economic developments, explaining their significance ahead of October’s vote. 

Why settle for ignorance? Sign up now; things will make more sense. 


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