Get Out! Chocolate and farewell films to face the cold

A guide to our recommendations of choice to withstand the temperature drop in BA this weekend 

Temperatures are expected to drop heavily this weekend in Buenos Aires, so today’s recommendations are focused on two classic weapons of choice to face the cold: chocolate and films. There will be a full-on chocolate fest at La Rural, offering you the chance to overdose on cocoa-based goodies, and a selection of three films playing in Buenos Aires theaters united by a common thread: farewells. 

Three Farewell Films

1. Adiós Sui Generis
(Bebe Kamin, 1976)
June 29 — 6:30 p.m.
Cine York (Juan Bautista Alberdi 895, Olivos)

Adiós Sui Generis

This 1976 film is about the last show Charly García and Nito Mestre’s hugely popular folk-rock duo Sui Generis recorded at the Luna Park stadium in 1975. The band’s farewell was a landmark in Argentine cultural history, and its documentary is also an eerie depiction of Argentina’s fervent youth a few months before the military dictatorship unleashed terror on society.

2. Fuck You! The Last Show (José Luis García, 2024)
June 30 – 9:00 p.m.
Cine York (Juan Bautista Alberdi 895, Olivos)

A documentary about 1980s cult band Sumo and their 1987 Obras stadium show, two months before the death of now-legendary singer Luca Prodan. Sumo was one of the most iconic bands in Argentine history, stirring the 1970s rock scene with a stripped-down, avant-garde perspective by introducing New Wave and reggae sounds as well as English-spoken lyrics. The film features full access to private moments guided by José Luis García, one of the most interesting documentary filmmakers in recent years and the author of two other great films we definitely recommend: La chica del sur and Cándido López: los campos de batalla.

3. Duet (Edgardo Cozarinsky & Rafael Ferro, 2024)
Everyday 12:15 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:45 p.m.
Cine Gaumont – Rivadavia 1635

A small and intimate portrait of the relationship between an actor and a director, Duet stars late writer and filmmaker Edgardo Cozarinsky and his frequent collaborator, actor Rafael Ferro, in what would become Cozarinsky’s last work: a short but intense dual self-portrait that examines the pair’s work together as well as their personal friendship. Duet was shot in the artists’ homes with nothing but a camera and a playful will to experiment. Eschewing production value, the documentary instead aims for raw storytelling, beautifully and sincerely hitting its mark.


June 29 & 30
La Rural (Pabellón Ocre) — Av. Sarmiento 2704. 
10 a.m. — 8 p.m. (last entry at 7 p.m.)

A weekend fair dedicated entirely to the world of chocolate. Chocolate bars, truffles, fondues, cookies, crêpes, ice cream, pastries, alfajores… you name it. That list should do it, but here’s an extra incentive if you need it: Chocolaterie will offer master classes by cocoa professionals, pastry workshops, chocolate sculptures, chocolate painting demonstrations, a chocolate cascade, and even a Mayan cocoa ritual. Last but certainly not least: chocolate factory Lodiser will partner with cooking school Gato Dumas to make a 30-meter long chocolate bar. It will be the largest chocolate bar ever made in Buenos Aires, and yes: the public will be able to get a piece of that. 

Tickets are AR$7000. Children under 12 accompanied by an adult have free admission. Pensioners and people with certified disabilities get a 50% discount. 


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