They also contend that it is impossible for Argentina to meet the lowered reserves target
Dollar & Peso
Dollar & PesoEconomics
Consulting firms: IMF disbursement will help Central Bank manage currency market
Economy minister announced how Argentina would make its July payments in a short broadcast
The decision grants the country access to a US$7.5 bn disbursement
The informal exchange rate rose by ARS$24 over the course of Monday
The measures are implemented amid tough negotiations with the IMF.
The informal exchange rate hit AR$503, having started the week at AR$492
‘It would be weird if parallel exchange rates stood still’
Following legal complaints from Customs, 38 raids were carried out today in Buenos Aires City, San Isidro, and Mar del Plata
“Lifting the ‘cepo’ or dollarizing the economy are unfeasible shortcuts,” Hernán Lacunza said