French embassy launches Argentine cultural investment program

The ‘Orillas nuevas - Nouveaux Rivages’ program offers financing, consulting and scholarships to artists and creative entrepreneurs in Argentina

Orillas Nuevas artistic investment project launched at French embassy in Argentina. Photo: Courtesy of French Embassy

Bienvenue, artistes! The Argentine French Institute and the French Embassy in Argentina have presented the “Orillas nuevas ~ Nouveaux Rivages” program for cultural and creative industries in the country. 

The program is supported by the French Foreign Affairs Ministry, as well as Fundación Williams and Fundación Medifé.

Orillas nuevas seeks to identify artists, creators, civil associations, foundations, businesses and producers based in Argentina, to strengthen their abilities and contribute to the development of their projects. Creators are eligible for three main forms of support: professional consulting, financing of 10,000-20,000 euros per project, and mobility scholarships to present the project abroad.

“With [this program] we look forward to giving a big push to the famed Argentine creativity, and generate the will to cooperate between French and Argentine creators,” said Argentine French Institute director Frédéric Depetris.

Projects — which must be already up and running — must be presented at a contest which will run from June 25 to July 31. Up to thirty will ultimately be selected. The focus will be on hybrid and transdisciplinary projects, video games, animation and digital creative projects, and dance and modern theater. Projects linked to the publishing sector, architecture and design are also favored. 

The program’s creators aim to find projects that break away from traditional creative processes and explore different ways of making, producing and broadcasting in the creative industries. They hope to identify and accompany a new generation of artists and creative entrepreneurs.

Any interested artistes can find out more on the project’s website.


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