Human rights activist Nelly Tacchi dies age 93

She demanded justice for State terror during the dictatorship alongside Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo

Human rights activist Nelly Tacchi died age 93. Credit: Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo Twitter

Nelly Tacchi, a historic human rights activist from Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, died Sunday age 93. Even though she wasn’t formally part of Mothers or Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, she demanded justice alongside them for the horrors of State terrorism occurred during the dictatorship that ruled Argentina between 1976 and 1983.

“We sadly say goodbye to our Mother of Plaza de Mayo comrade Nelly Taccchi, a human rights leader in Mar del Plata,” Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo tweeted. 

Tacchi was the mother of former national deputy Adela Segarra, whose partner, brother-in-law and three cousins were disappeared by the last military dictatorship in 1978. Her cousins Alicia and Laura Segarra were pregnant at the time of their disappearance, and both their partners disappeared as well.

Tacchi also became adoptive grandmother to ANSES director Fernanda Raverta after her mother, Montoneros militant María Inés Raverta, was disappeared in Lima, Perú, in 1980, by Operation Condor. Tacchi entered Fernanda Raverta’s life after the latter ‘s father, Montonero leader Mario Montoto, started a relationship with Segarra in the mid 1980s.

“She was a part of all the spaces where it was necessary to protest and claim for Memory, Truth and Justice”, the Mar del Plata branch of Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo said of Tacchi in a press release.

“We’ll miss you, but we know you left your mark on young people that will continue your fight [for justice] and make your presence known on the streets,” they added.


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