Cold snap: yellow weather alert in 16 provinces

Sub-zero temperatures on the cards in many regions including Greater Buenos Aires

Grab your jackets, scarves, and hats: the beginning of the week is ushering in chilly temperatures throughout Argentina. The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued a yellow alert on Tuesday morning for extreme low temperatures in the city of Buenos Aires and 16 provinces. 

The two coldest cities on Tuesday morning were Villa Reynolds (San Luis province) and Maquinchao (Río Negro province) with lows reaching a balmy -11.4℃ (11.4℉) and -9.6℃, respectively. The next coldest cities were Malargue, Mendoza and Esquel, Chubut, with lows around -7.4 ℃, followed by Chapelco, Neuquén, with a low of -6.8℃, then La Quiaca, Jujuy with a low of -6.4℃, and Neuquén city with a low of around -5℃. 

Many Argentines can expect a chilly few days: this cold snap is expected to hit most of the country and persist throughout the week. So the Herald recommends busting out your wooly hats, jackets and gloves and wrapping up  to stay cozy in the chilly temperatures. 

The warning issued by the SMN indicates sub-zero temperatures for over 30 locations, which could be dangerous for children, adults over the age of 65, and those suffering from chronic diseases. Temperatures in the city of Buenos Aires are expected to fluctuate between 0-2℃. It will be even colder for those in Greater Buenos Aires, with areas such as El Palomar getting down to -3℃, so don’t forget your jackets! 

The weather service also reported strong winds in the western provinces, with wind speeds reaching up to 100 kilometers per hour in Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, and Túcuman. An SMN specialist also reported severe frosts in the central region of the country, which could affect crops. 

These provinces are subject to the yellow alert for cold:

  • Buenos Aires City
  • Buenos Aires Province 
  • Entre Ríos
  • Corrientes
  • Misiones
  • Formosa
  • Chaco 
  • Santiago del Estero
  • Santa Fe 
  • Córdoba 
  • Jujuy 
  • Salta
  • San Juan
  • Mendoza
  • Neuquén
  • La Pampa
  • Chubut 

-with information from Télam


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