Argentina 2023 elections: 74% of the electoral roll had voted by 6 p.m.

Polls officially closed at 6 p.m. but some voters were queuing at stations around the country

Updated 20:46

The first results are expected at around 10 p.m. — check the Buenos Aires Herald’s homepage for updates!

According to the National Electoral Chamber (CNE), 74% of eligible voters in Argentina’s general elections had voted by the time polls closed at 6 p.m, although some voters were still queuing. 

In both the 2015 and the 2019 general elections, 81% of the electoral roll had cast their ballots by the same time. In the August primaries, 70.4% had voted by then.  

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Since voting stations opened at 8 a.m., the election process proceeded without major incidents. All presidential candidates voted. While Myriam Bregman (Frente de la Izquierda y los Trabajadores-Unidad) and Juan Schiaretti (Hacemos por Nuestro País) voted in the morning, Sergio Massa (Unión por la Patria, UxP), Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza, LLA) and Patricia Bullrich (Juntos por el Cambio, JxC) voted in the afternoon.

President Alberto Fernández voted at the Argentine Catholic University and spoke to the press. He declined to offer an assessment of his tenure as president, saying that he wouldn’t speak of politics due to the veda, and that once December 10 came and he is out of office, he would “become a regular citizen again.” Former president Mauricio Macri also voted, calling this Sunday “a day of hope.”

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If a presidential candidate obtains more than 45% of the votes, or at least 40% with a 10-point lead, he or she will become president-elect this Sunday. Otherwise, the two most-voted candidates will go to a run-off on November 19.

The election will also define the makeup of Congress next year, as half of the Chamber of Deputies and a third of the Senate are set to be renewed. In addition to the national vote, citizens in Catamarca, Entre Ríos, and Buenos Aires province are also voting for governor. Buenos Aires City will also select a new mayor and local legislators. 

Out of those four districts, the BA City race is the only one that can result in a runoff —- only if none of the candidates reaches a minimum of 50% of the vote.

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