The Economy Ministry will offer seven pesos bonds in an auction to take place this Wednesday, where it will aim to roll over some AR$400 billion.
Moreover, the government aims to collect some extra AR$241 billion.
Some of the bonds offered will have a fixed rate, while others will be dollar-adjusted and others still will depend on the evolution of the inflation rate.
One of the instruments, a liquidity bond with a February 17 maturity, will only be available for common funds.
There will also be a dollar-linked bond for registered importers, which matures on April 28. The goal is to accomplish greater private sector participation.
This week, the Ministry will have to face maturities of AR$300.90 billion. Most of that amount is in the X20E3, which after this year’s debt swap is largely in private hands, according to market estimations.
This year Argentina will face maturities that represent 14.9% of the country’s GDP.