Diplomats call for renewed support of Ukraine

Ambassador Marc Stanley celebrated Argentina’s active role in “standing up to bullies”

Today marks one year since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war and the diplomatic community in Argentina has taken the opportunity to reaffirm and commend the country’s role in condemning the invasion.

“I think Argentina is helping to set the standard in Latin America, for standing up against bullies,” said US Ambassador Marc Stanley, citing the country’s role as chair of the UN Human Rights Council in 2022.  “Argentina has shown real leadership in condemning Russia, time after time.”

Ambassador Stanley’s remarks were made at an event at the North American Cultural Institute of Argentina (ICANA) showcasing photographers from Ukraine, Argentina, Uruguay, and El Salvador.

“Argentina has correctly, in my view, taken tough votes in the UN system to call out Russian aggression and stand up for Ukraine,” he said in a speech. “As Russia continues its brutal war of choice, more is needed. Democratic governments must stand together to uphold democratic values and human rights”

When asked what more the country could be doing to aid Ukraine, Stanley said  “I can’t tell Argentina what to do. But I would love to see [Ukrainian President Volodímir] Zelensky to address legislatures in Argentina and Brazil and other countries in Latin America.”

The Ukrainian chargé d’affaires Sergiy Nabrat was also present at the event and spoke of the importance of supporting Ukraine in terms of protecting democracy and rejecting Russia.

“If Russia withdrew its troops, the war could be over today,” said Nabrat “Russia is seeking to establish a new empire. Ukraine will win this war.”

“Ukraine needs monetary support, which we appreciate from Argentina,” said Nabrat at press time. “But we also would like Argentina to impose sanctions on Russia for petroleum and agricultural products and for there to be a diminished Russian diplomatic presence.”

Both Nabrat and Stanley distinguished the 450,000-strong Ukrainian community in Argentina as vitally important to raising awareness about the war and its effects. 

“I think that the world has to remain focused on the brutality that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is inflicting on an innocent country by not respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty,” said Stanley. “And it’s not Argentina or Latin America that needs to do more. It’s a world that needs to keep this center focus.”


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